11/12/2021I’m not sure he’s as excited about it as I am but I think we might have started a new tradition – a yearly mom and son Christmas DIY project. Last year we made these cute wooden block houses. (We did another project this year that l’ll share soon.) I’m going to do my best to keep the new tradition alive next year. 🙂
I originally got this wooden house idea from @AngelaRoseHome on Instagram. You also can find her project instructions on her blog. Here is my take on them, how we made them and how I styled them last year. I’m not sure where I’ll put them this year. Stay tuned.

We (as in my son) started by drilling the hole for the coupling to fit into.

Then we (he) marked the middle of the 4×4 for the peak of the roof.
We guestimated how steep of a roof pitch we wanted and then cut the first roof angle. See I did help.
The hole wasn’t quite deep enough to hold the coupling so after the cut, we (he) went back and drilled the hole deeper.
The next step was to flip the wood and cut the same angle for the other side of the roof.
Finally I eyeballed how tall I wanted each house and he made a straight cut to create the house.
I opted to just make 5 with chimneys and the rest were just plain houses.

Here is where my part came in. I sanded each house, added a coat of stain some and paint on others. I sealed with polycrylic to make them easier to dust and hot glued the copper couplings to hold them securely in place and that was it. Our first annual mother-son DIY Christmas project.

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