03/28/2023I present to you my toolbox. It’s mine and mine alone. No one else may so much as open a drawer. Everything has a place and if something is missing so help me.

Yes, I ask for tools for holidays. Some are hand-me-down. They aren’t fancy but they do the job for me. Before, I could never find a tape measure or screw driver when I needed one. I didn’t want to traipse down to the barn at 9:00pm at night in my pjs and no bra when I decided it was time to hang something on the wall. And I certainly didn’t want to wait until the next day when someone could help me. I wanted my tools in one location that no one else could take off with and not put back. Now, thanks to my latest gift, I have a shiny new toolbox to house them.

I just have basic tools like a tape measure, box cutter, hammer, plier, needle-nose pliers, side cutters, a screwdriver, a small level, various sized nails, hooks for plant hanging, etc. I also have a drill, jigsaw, sander, planer, scroll saw and mini blower. You never know when you’ll need side cutters to cut wire, a level to hang said picture at 9:00pm, a planer to distress a DIY project or a small blower to quickly clean off the leaves and debris from the patio furniture. Next on my list is a brad nailer.
Did you know I used to work full time, had a two year old and had a craft booth that I stayed up all hours of the night making things to stock? I don’t know how I made it on only a couple of hours of sleep a night. Small crafty DIYs have always been the way I de-stressed and liked to spend my weekends. I wish I had time to take on larger projects. Maybe when I retire. Any other ladies out there have their own toolbox?

In the garage, along with my toolbox, are these metal upper and lower cabinets. They were rescued from going to the trash on a jobsite and have been the most amazing for storage in the garage at our last two houses. Since my husband moved his stuff to the barn, I have the shelves and drawers all to myself. They are perfect for my garden supplies. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. I never thought I would be so excited to have a garage of my own to house my tools and supplies. One of the perks of getting old, I guess.