02/18/2024Another week has flown by which means time to plan for the new week ahead. Here is what we are planning for dinners this week.
I often get asked if we really follow the weekly menus I post. We actually do for the most part. Of course there are days where I don’t feel like cooking or we aren’t home. On those days, I just move the meal idea to the weekend. Pre-planning meals for the week helps me be sure I have the groceries I need for the week and keeps me from standing in the kitchen at 6:00pm with no idea what to make for dinner. I started planning our weekly menus on Sunday years ago and now it’s just become habit. Anything that helps the week run smoother is a win in my book. It’s my hope that by sharing our meal ideas, it helps you think of dinner ideas they might like to try, too.
MONDAY Balsamic Glazed Pork Tenderloin Rolls | TUESDAY Son’s B-Day Dinner Fillet Mignon Fettuccini Crème Brulee | WEDNESDAY Potato Soup Cinnamon Sugar Apples | THURSDAY Crockpot Chicken Tacos Guacamole | FRIDAY Maid Rite Sandwiches Tater Tots |