09/13/2021I have to be honest. I’m stuggling with wanting to cook dinner lately so this week’s dinner ideas are simple get-in/get-out of the kitchen as quickly as possible recipes. Sometimes I love to cook. Other times I will do everything I can to avoid cooking. Kind of the same way I do everything I can to avoid going to the grocery store. Who feels my pain?
Here’s what’s for dinner this week at my house. Now who can I get to run and get groceries needed for the recipes?
For more meal ideas, you can always click on the Eat > What’s for Dinner menu link above.
MONDAY: Pesto Chicken & Veggies Apple slices | TUESDAY: Crockpot Roast & Potatoes Rhodes Dinner Rolls Buttered Peas | WEDNESDAY: Instant Pot Cheeseburger Mac & Cheese Fresh strawberries | THURSDAY: Slow Cooker BBQ Chicken Corn on the cob | FRIDAY: Homemade Pizza Side Salad |
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