05/07/2024It’s like my adult playtime when I get to drag everything out that was stored away for the winter. My potting bench was one of the first things I prepped for the upcoming summer. I’m slowly adding to my terra cotta pot collection that I display from spring through fall on the potting bench. No, I don’t really plant things in them. They’re more just for looks because they get prettier with age. It gives me hope for myself.

This bust if my favorite thing. She looked a little bare so I pulled up some of the vinca vine that fills in the surrounding flower bed and gave her an instant hair do. She’s styling now.

I’m excited for the new roses to grow taller and fill in the rest of the blank wall. Then the landscaping on the south side of the house will be complete.
When decorating a porch, potting bench or any area for summer, I pull random things from around the house for a full look. A minimalist I am not! I started with a base of my terra cotta pot collection. I always add a few annuals in pots for color. It still needed more green so I brought out an aloe plant from inside and gave my lady hair. The aloe will be fine in full sun for the summer and vinca vine will grow anywhere. (Beware, it can be invasive if not contained when planted in the ground.) I added an old grapevine wreath for added height. On the top right shelf, I stuck some old rusty plant tags in a pot and plopped faux grass from Ikea into another pot. That faux grass plant has been outside somewhere for the past three summers and it’s still going strong. Don’t be afraid to mix in faux plants. The bottom looks like it needs height but it won’t be long until the colorful coleus plants have grown tall and full to fill the space. Last, I tucked in a few 3″ silver gazing balls for a bit of sparkle. Random things pulled together from around the house can make for some pretty cool decor. Yes, there is still room to use the potting bench for its intended use. I’ll be repotting some indoor plants soon.

Looking back, this year’s potting bench doesn’t look much different than the last. Time to change it up a little next year. For now, however, I’m going to enjoy it just as it is – until I change it up for the 4th of July anyway.
Spring 2024 Potting Bench // Winter 2023 Potting Bench // Halloween 2023 Potting Bench // Summer 2023 Potting Bench // Spring 2023 Potting Bench // St. Patrick’s Day 2023 Potting Bench // Fall 2022 Potting Bench