02/27/2023March is almost here! I couldn’t help but add a touch of spring + a bit ‘o St. Patrick’s Day cheer with a simple vase of tulips featuring a DIY moss shamrock.

I used Real Touch artificial tulips and stuck them in a vase that I DIYed. The vase used to be red. I spray painted it black and rubbed flour and dirt on it while the paint was still wet to get this aged look.
For the St. Pat’s touch, I took a glitter shamrock pick from Dollar Tree and used hot glue to cover it with moss. When I think of St. Patrick’s day, I think of all things moss for some reason. Stay tuned for another simple St. Patrick’s moss project coming soon.

I paired the vase with my old school St. Patrick’s pin I literally wore in grade school (I have no idea how I still have this) for a very simple and cheap St. Pat’s vignette that I think is too cute.