Happy St. Patrick’s Day! I’m not one bit Irish but I still enjoy any reason to celebrate. This weekend our little town held a “Shamrock Shimmy” event downtown with food trucks, live music and a UTV/Jeep line up where locals decorated their UTVs and Jeeps for St. Patrick’s Day. My daughter talked me into decorating a UTV with her. This is what we came up with from a quick Amazon order and an old moving box in the basement.

A little paint and glitter turned a simple cardboard box into the cutest decorations.

And this is the final product. The foil fringe shimmered in the sun like a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.

It was a fun challenge to decorate a UTV and I think it turned out pretty adorable.

If you look closely in this video, you can see where a little boy came by and took a big chunk of the foil streamers with him as he walked by. 🥹 All in good fun.