04/02/2022I can’t wait any longer. It’s time to extend the living spaces outside again and I couldn’t be happier. It’s still a little chilly to power wash the front porch and spray paint the planters a fresh black but the weather is perfect to do a little outdoor spring cleaning.
Let’s add some life to this planter…in the faux form until it warms up.

I started by adding a container inside the planter to help keep the long stems upright. I has a glass vase on hand so that’s what I used. To protect the glass vase and to fill the rest of the space in the large black planer, I wrapped bubble warp around the glass vase.

About 10 years ago I got smart and started collecting faux spring flowers and plants after numerous attempts at planting live and then dying after a freeze. I’ve been lucky enough to have a covered porch at both homes so the faux greens have lasted perfectly for 8+ years. I add a few new stems to my collection each year to create whatever I dream up that season. This year’s new purchase were the cabbage leaves in the bottom left photo. Everything else I had on hand. The forsythia branches and lamb’s ear were the original faux stems I started with 10 years ago. I have used the faux wood branches in my fall and winter planters, the birch logs I use each Christmas and the bird nest I found in my craft supplies.

I just stuck forsythia branches in the glass vase and filled in with the wood branches and birch logs. Then I tucked the lettuce leaves and lamb’s ear branches into the bubble wrap. I am certainly no flower arranger but I’m pretty happy with the final product. It adds just the right touch of spring to the front porch.

Follow along on Instagram to see the reel of me in action creating this spring planter.