05/10/2023Simmer pots aren’t just for the fall and winter. Stovetop potpourri can make the house smell great year round.

It’s literally spring in a bowl.

I had all the ingredients on hand for this potpourri recipe. Simmer pots are a good way to clean out fruits and herbs that are on their way out in the fridge. Items from the yard can be used, as well. I had a two week old bouquet of grocery store flowers that I used for the flower petals. The pink and white roses and lavender came from my flower beds. Admittedly, I didn’t grow the oranges or lemons but I did have them in the fridge.

Add sliced oranges and lemons, lavender sprigs, flower petals and roses to simmering water. Heat on low and enjoy the scent.

Be sure to keep an eye on the water level in the pot. Do not let the mixture dry out. Add more water and continue simmering until the scent has faded.

A vanilla bean or vanilla essential oil would be great with this mixture, too. It’s fun to experiment with different items to see what scents you can create.