05/05/2023I shared last week on my Instagram stories how I refreshed my old garden pots and urns to make them look bran new again. I thought it was worth a spot on the blog, as well. Spray paint can jooj up anything including old garden pots. Would you guess the pot below is four years old?

Here is the before and after a new coat of spray paint last weekend.

The urn below used to be brown. I purchased it probably 12 years ago or more. You can see here it was looking worn at our old house when this photo was taken in 2013. When we moved to our house now, I spray painted it black and it looks like it’s ready for another 12 years of use.

To touch up my pots, I simply use a stiff broom to remove any dirt and then spray paint. Be sure to spray in an open area away from buildings or vehicles to avoid any overspray that could carry in the wind.
Can you believe the difference after one coat of paint? It’s totally worth 15 minutes of my time every couple of years to add a quick coat of spray paint to freshen up what I already have.
I like the look of urns around our current house. I’ve collected 10 of them over the years. I like that they don’t all match exactly but still look uniform in all black. I’ve found the best prices at Hobby Lobby, At Home and Lowes. Once they start looking worn or dirty, just add a little spray paint and they’re good as new!