09/08/2022I don’t have a pretty remodeled master bathroom yet. I’m not a fan of random things on the counter but very limited storage space in the master bath doesn’t give me much choice. My motto is do your best to love what you have even if it’s not perfect.
To keep things contained and organized in my not perfect bathroom, I grabbed a random basket from storage to hold all my “getting ready” necessities. Keeping vitamins on the counter is a must so I remember to take them each day – old lady probs. The bright colored bottle gave me ugly clutter anxiety looking at it each morning.

I was browsing the not-dollar spot at Target and came across these glass jars. Bing! A lightbulb went off in my head. That would be the perfect storage solution for the vitamins.

The unfinished lid didn’t do it for me but that could easily be changed.

For a quick little DIY, I thought I could stain the top of the lid and leave the bottom part that would be close to the vitamins unfinished.

After a quick coat of stain and a couple of coats of clear sealer, my glass jars are now too cute if I might say so myself.

Unnecessary? Maybe. Much cuter on the counter? I think so. It’s easier to get the vitamins out, also. For $2.50 I think it was totally worth getting rid of the ugly vitamin bottle. It’s the little things that can help you love what you have until you are able to make it even better.

Yes, I hate taking pills and opt for gummy vitamins. Are you judging me? 🙂