07/21/2022I’ll admit, going to Costco or Sam’s Club is something I put off as long as humanly possible. When we’re down to the last few squares of toilet paper I finally have to force myself to make the trek. It doesn’t matter what time of day, it’s always so people-y. I do my best to avoid the food samples where the people-y people gather at all costs and inevitably draw a blank on the “usuals” I’m there to get. And somehow, when I get home, I miraculously remember everything I failed to pickup.
It took a while but I finally got smart and made a list of everything I typically get while there. I printed it double-sided on bright colored paper (so I can find it easier when I need it) – one side filled out with the “usuals” and the other a blank list. I laminated that sucker and found a dedicated location to store it (again so I can find it in three months when I’m in dangerously low on toilet paper). Before I go, I walk through the house with my list and a dry erase marker checking off the usuals needed and adding other things to the blank list. Then I take a deep breath, head out and see how fast I can throw things in the cart and get the heck out of there hopefully spending less than $500.
Here is the list I created for myself. If any of you are like me (I’m sorry) and want to get in and out as quickly as possible without suddenly developing Alzheimer’s and forgetting what you’re there for, I’ll share a printable of my blank shopping list below so you can make your own “usuals” list.

Click HERE for a printable list.

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