11/16/2023Last weekend my daughter and I visited our local antique shops. It’s become something we enjoy doing together every few months. On this trip we came across a pile of old Christmas records. The same records I remember my mom playing while she decorated for Christmas when I was little. I had been toying with the idea of getting a record player and this cemented the deal. A week later I have a new old-looking record player for my latest antique store finds just in time for Christmas decorating.

I put it on my husband’s grandma’s antique table. I guess you could say I’m a bit sentimental this time of year.

This specific record makes me feel twelve years old again playing in the basement. You can bet I will be listening to this while I’m decorating my own Christmas tree this year.

Other additions to my new old Christmas record collection is Andy Williams and another Kenny Rogers Christmas album.

What’s old is new again. Wait! Does that go for people, too? Because I wouldn’t mind being transported back via the magic of Christmas to watching my mom decorate the house for Christmas while these records play.