07/31/2023In the front yard under the pine trees is the beginnings of my vision of a bed full of hostas. Perfectly shaded with just enough speckled light. The ideal setting for hostas. My office window looks out to this view. I knew it had potential to be a cute area of the yard. So this past weekend I picked up the sticks, pulled the weeds and set out to create a new little outdoor seating area amid the pine trees and hostas.

I also refreshed my grapevine wreath bird feeder for the summer. The spring version had run it’s course.

Sprigs of mint, purple oregano and moonbeam thread leaf coreopsis from around the yard spruced it up for summer.

I had two chairs from an old bistro set sitting in the barn not being used. After 23 years, the table fell apart but the iron chairs are still in perfect condition.

I love creating outdoor living areas around the yard whether it’s the hammock strung between two trees in the back yard, the porch swing at the barn, the rockers on the front porch, our soon-to-be outdoor kitchen or the seating area on the back patio. You’ll find me outside most every evening during the spring, summer and fall in one of those spaces.

I will now call this my bird watching area in the hosta garden. It’s full of snacks including the homemade bird treats I made last winter.

Hope the birds don’t mind me hanging out while they bathe.

I made it extra spa-like for them.

If they get hungry while bathing, they can snack on the seeds in the sunflowers.

My hosta collection just began in the last two years. The August Moon hostas were given to us when friends removed them from their yard. I bought and planted the Shadowland Wheee! and Wild Imagination hostas last fall. The Patriot Hosta is a division from a larger plant in another part of the yard that I replanted this spring.

Over the years I hope to have many different hosta varieties filling the space under the two pine trees.

With just a little work, I now have a cute little space that I can look out on from my office window while the birds enjoy snacks and and a quick bath.