04/25/2023Next in the series houseplants you can grow is the pilea peperomioides, more commonly named Chinese Money Plant.
All the plants pictured below are from one small plant I purchased several years ago. Pilea propagate themselves giving off tiny baby plants that can be separated into new plants.

Pilea Peperomioides are fast-growing and disease-resistant. They are simple to care for requiring only medium to bright indirect light and well-drained soil. They don’t like wet roots so it’s best to let them dry out slightly between watering.

They are a bit like rabbits in that they multiple quite rapidly.

Baby pilea means plenty of new house plants to add to my collection and to give away.

The pilea is also sometimes referred to as the coin plant because of the shape of the leaves. They are said to bring good luck to those who care for them making them a great plant to gift, as well.

If you want to be a plant parent but are unsure of your abilities, give a pilea peperomioides a try. Remember, they’re good luck. You can do it! I have faith in you.