02/03/2023Remember when I shared all the ways I use pine cones around my house? Here is another way. I repurpose them for the birds.

To make, tie jute, yarn or string to pine cones for hanging. In a medium bowl, mix 2 parts peanut butter to 1 part cornmeal until combined. Pour a layer of birdseed onto a rimmed cookie sheet. Spread the peanut butter mixture over pine cones, then roll in birdseed until thoroughly coated. Hang outside for the birds.

I like to make a batch of pinecones, wrap individually in waxed paper and freeze. Then I have plenty on hand to replenish as needed.

Try other homemade bird treat ideas I have shared here on the blog.
Bird Treats // Birdseed Wreath // Bird Bed & Breakfast // Grapevine Wreath Bird Feeder // Bird Treat Garland