05/16/2024I saw this trick going around social media to keep birds from eating strawberries in the strawberry patch and I wanted to see if it really works. They say if you paint rocks to look like strawberries and put them in the garden, it will deter the birds from eating the fresh berries before you can get them picked. The birds see the red color and peck at the hard rocks which deters them from pecking on the actual strawberries as they ripen.

I stole a few rocks from the garden walkway in the similar shapes as a strawberries. We used acrylic craft paint and a Sharpie to draw on the black details and sprayed with clear sealer for extra protection.

If anything, they look cute and add fun color to the garden. We’ll see if this trick helps increase our strawberry yield.

This could be a fun summer project for the kids. Let them collect rocks and go to town painting strawberries. It should keep them busy for a good 30-minutes or so. 🙂

I don’t feel sorry for the birds. I feed them plenty in feeders around the yard. I even share sunflower seeds as the sunflowers bloom over the summer. Beaks off my strawberries!