11/24/2021Maybe it’s signs of getting older (isn’t everything). Maybe it’s the time spent with various family members stopping by to help paint the big guy. Something about creating this 7 foot tall paint-by-number Santa gave me the warm fuzzies along with sweet memories that I will forever cherish. It was also the most relaxing DIY project to work on after a long day at work. I was almost sad when he was finished. If you’re looking for something to do with family for the holidays or a relaxing project in the middle of the hustle and bustle, you need to make a Santa of your own. Where you store a life-size Santa after the holidays might be an issue but, hey, that just makes for more memories trying to find somewhere to keep him. Who knew those paint-by-numbers we did as kids would be so fun in life-sized form as an adult? If you’re game to give Santa a try, here are the steps I followed when making mine.
I purchased the paint-by-number .pdf template from Hollihocks.com (@hollihocks_ on Instagram) and printed the pages on my home printer on 8.5″x11″ paper. You can create your Santa using a 4’x8′ sheet of 3/4″ MDF, plywood or even cardboard if you’re not going got use him outside. Layout the pattern pages on your 4’x8′ sheet. It’s super easy to match up the pages by the letter system on the printouts.

I used Modge Podge to adhere the template to the 4’x8′ sheet. Be sure to use a thin coat otherwise the paper will bubble. You will be painting directly on the paper so make sure it’s lined up and adhered well.

Next comes the hardest part of the project and it’s really not that hard. Use a jigsaw to cut out the outline of Santa.

Now paint. The directions that come with the template tell you want paint colors to use. You’ll need white, red, black, brown and flesh colored paints. You can also mix paints to get the desired colors you want. I just used cheap acrylic craft paints. Slowly but surely, painting all of those random spots turns into the cutest jolly ‘ol fella.

If you want to get creative you can add textured snow under his feet or even nix the traditional colors and go with more muted pink tones or jeweled maroon tones. If you’re going to use your Santa outside, be sure to coat him with a few coats of polycrylic and try to keep him out of the elements as much as possible. He’ll definitely capture the attention as he waves to those passing by. You can see how I used him inside HERE, also.

Ho, ho, ho. Merry Christmas!