07/25/2022My motto is “a place for everything, everything in its place”. I love to organize almost as much as I like to decorate for holidays. I purchased this acrylic nail polish wall mount shelf five years ago when we moved in this house. Still to this day, a happy feeling rushes over me each time I open the closet door to see all the happy colors neatly displayed and easy to find.
Why do we have so much nail polish you ask? My sister gave us a bunch when she quit doing nails for a living. I really should sort through it all but for now I just throw it out if it’s bad when I go to use it. Dare I admit we have a bag of gel polish not even shown here? *hangs head in shame* But in our defense, my daughter and I do use it regularly. You quite possibly will never see me without painted toe nails. Unpainted toe nails creep me out. And I’m too cheap to pay someone to polish my nails so a healthy stock of polish I will always possess.

We happened to have the perfect spot on the inside of the hallway closet door to hang our shelf. I love that the polish isn’t taking up precious shelf space. Never fear, they sell smaller acrylic shelves for those that aren’t as nail polish crazy as we are. They also make acrylic stands if wall mount isn’t your thing.
I also spy my second favorite organizational item in the closet – turntables for medicines and lotions. The key for me is ease off access so people actually put things back where they got them.

I shared links below of several different types and sizes of acrylic organizers. They could be used for medicines, oils or even sunglasses. So many possibilities! Now I’m trying to figure out what other closets I have that could use door shelves. Before you know it, I may have as many acrylic shelves as I have polish.

I didn’t even bother to clean the closet before taking these photos. It could use a little straightening but this is real life. Maybe someday I’ll get fancy with all acrylic turntables and containers to make it look all pretty. For now, this works just fine.