05/22/2019Who knew a couple of gallons of paint could make me so happy? I have always loved my home office space. It’s on the main level as opposed to the last house where my office was in the windowless, cold basement. What I didn’t love about this office was the chocolate brown paint that made the space feel so dark. My soul craves light and bright. One day, $40 in paint and a little elbow grease and now I smile every time I walk in to get work done.

Welcome into my newly updated home office freshly painted in Sherwin Williams “Ice Cube”.

I still need to replace the ceiling fan with a cool light and maybe add a throw rug or two but if I waited to share until I felt everything was perfect, I would never share updates of the house progress.

My side of the office which I share with the doggies.

// DIY Flower Pens + Spring Decor //
Everyone else’s side of the office.

And the office closet. My pride and joy. Not yet painted but perfectly organized. If you follow along with me on Instagram (@itsme_christyB) you might have seen me in all of my organizing glory after I scored this $20 Craigslist filing cabinet. I spent three blissful hours with my label maker organizing paperwork for three businesses and my personal life. Everything in it’s place and a place for everything. I ❤ organizing. And I ❤ my new updated home office.