12/26/2023🎵What are you doing New Year’s Eve? 🎵 I’m getting in the spirit for the upcoming new year. I’ve never taken down Christmas and redecorated for New Year’s until this year in the living room this year. It’s so pretty and sparkly. I wish you could see it in person. The photos don’t do it justice.

It was fun to try something new this year.

I found these candle holders in a box from our wedding almost 30 years ago. Still pretty all these years later and perfect for New Year’s Eve.

These are the champagne glasses from our wedding. Cheers!

One can never had too many disco balls.

Don’t want to decorate for the new year? Just put a new year’s screensaver on your TV for a festive touch.
// Add art to any smart TV //

Even the bust planter is getting in on the fun.

My theme for next year, instead of a resolution, is “make even the ordinary days special” and I’m starting on day one decked out for New Years. I love any excuse to decorate so why not focus on making even the mundane days a little more special?
// DIY Disco Ball Garland //

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and are able to slow down and relax in this week before the new year. Cheering to a 2024 full of peace and prosperity for all. Thank you SO MUCH for visiting my home here on the internet. I am honored you stopped by. So much more to come in 2024. I hope you’ll come along for the ride.