05/20/2019Some things are just too good not to share with your friends. I have rounded up my top five favorite things this month that I have been loving. And I’m sharing just in case you might love them, too.

“Drink more water.” You hear it everywhere. I have always suffered with headaches, pretty much everyday, multiple times a day. Over the years I’ve cut out caffeine from sodas and that helped some. I took Excedrin Migraine like candy daily to stop the pain until I realized that was causing “rebound” headaches from my body wanting the caffeine in the Excedrin. The withdrawal period of over a month was NOT fun. Then I stopped cold turkey taking Excedrin Migraine and the daily headaches slowly went away. Things were getting better though I still couldn’t shake a dull headache once or twice a week. That’s when I decided it was worth peeing every five minutes to drink as much water as possible to keep myself from being dehydrated. When I started drinking half of my body weight in water per day, I stopped getting headaches almost completely.
Drinking from a regular glass, I couldn’t force myself to drink more than 8 to 16 ounces a day. With the daily tracker water bottle I find it really easy to get my 64 ounces a day in by pacing myself according to the markings on the bottle. It’s like a dare to keep up during the day and meet the goal. Give me a challenge and I’ll make sure it happens. Extra bonus, my dry wrinkly skin started looking more hydrated, as well. Is the bottle necessary? Maybe not. But I’ll take whatever works to get me to drink more water and stop the headaches. Now what can I use to keep my from going to the bathroom 50 times a day?

Is it just me or do we always seem to have our hands full from the car to the door? Maybe it’s just me that tries my hardest to make it in the house in the least amount of trips possible and then either drops my keys or whatever is in my arms – groceries, a drink, a kid? (Don’t call CPS. That was years ago and he turned out perfectly fine.) Well, I found a brilliant solution to my problem – the Oventure key ring. It’s made to slip on your wrist like a bracelet. They come in a ton of cute colors and even have matching wristlets for ID and cash. I liked my key ring so much I bought one for my daughter, too. And even though mom had one so it wasn’t cool, I see she and her friends all use them now. I’m cool like that even if she won’t admit it.

I have been blessed cursed with teeny tiny short eyelashes that like to stick straight out and refuse to curl. I had eyelash extensions for a couple of years and really liked them but they say you’re supposed to give your lashes a break every so often so I had them taken off. Then I learned about the wonder of magnetic eyelashes. I’ve shared my love for them on InstaStories in the past. Total game changer. I wear them almost every day. One strip sits on the top of your regular lashes and the other strips snaps to the bottom of your lashes. When you’re done with them for the day, you simply pull them off and put them away until you’re ready for them again.
For daily wear, I use the Ardell 001 accents. They are just partial strips that accentuate the outer corner of the eyes. I do cut the length down just a bit so they aren’t too dramatic. For special events, I wear the Double 110. The 110s are full strip lashes. There are several different styles to choose from. I do recommend the Ardell brand over other cheaper brands. The magnets stick better. I’m not going to lie. It takes some practice to put them on but once you get the hang of it, you won’t want to leave the house without them. And if you know me, there is no such thing as too much glam so I LOVE these.

I admit, I’m not a huge book reader. There are so many things on my perpetual to-do list that I never allow myself to just sit and read. I know from past experience if I find a good book, all I want to do is read and nothing else gets done. However, while sitting outside for hours potty training a new puppy, I found myself with a lot of down time. So I purchased Girl, Wash Your Face to pass the time. Then I purchased Girl, Stop Apologizing. Now I have the Start Today Journal. Whether you’re a teenager, newlywed, wanting to start a business or just an oldie but goodie like me, I highly suggest you read her books. We can all use a good dose of motivation, right? By the way, the puppy is now potty trained. Checking that off the to-do list.

There is nothing worse than dragging a heavy hose around the yard, coming to a complete stop when the kink in the hose pulls you back and getting dirt and grass on your hands when attempting to neatly roll up the wet hose. Can I get an amen? This hose is a game changer. I love it so much, I’m getting a second one this year for the back of the house. It’s lightweight, easy to drag around the yard without twisting and kinking and compactly shrinks back up and stores away in a tiny space between uses. It is 100% worth the price in my opinion.