03/20/2023You have no idea how incredibly excited I am that today is the first day of spring. I am beyond ready to get back outside and get my hands in the dirt. My back patio WILL get finished this summer and I’ll be spending my evenings writing my blog posts in the hammock. I can’t wait! Until the back patio is done, you’ll find me sitting in my rockers on the front porch.

I was so excited to get outside, I spent the 45 degree Sunday cleaning the porch and sprucing it up a bit for spring. The dead grasses will soon be cut back for the new green to sprout. Until then, I added faux green with an Easter vibe to the front porch.

Last year (and several years before that) I used yellow forsythia in my big urn planter. This year I changed it up and went with a blush color. I’m not sure I love it but it was fun seeing what I could create. I’m not the best floral arranger. After Easter, I’ll remove the Easter eggs and it will be set for spring until it’s warm enough to bring back my beloved ferns.

In the smaller urns, I put two grass stems inside a grapevine wreath, added an Easter egg by sticking a skewer in the bottom of a foam egg and then pushing the skewer into the dirt. I finished if off by sticking a few white flowers in the grapevine. After Easter I’ll be replacing the eggs with a terra cotta pot of pansies stuck into the grass. All items used are water resistant in the event of rain and can be reused over and over again.

All of my faux florals either came from Michaels or Hobby Lobby. A friendly reminder you don’t ever have to by florals unless they are on sale which is quite often at both places.

The cute rug is like a plastic material and was only $15 on sale at Hobby Lobby.

I used my tall bunny inside by the fireplace last year. This year he’s keeping me company on the front porch.

This wreath is simply a 24″ grapevine wreath I’ve had for years with two old faux cabbage stems from previous years’ spring arrangements.

This bunny always graces the front door for Easter.

Happy first day of spring! If you see me sitting out in my rockers, be sure to honk if you drive by.