08/28/2018This time around as we remodel our next house, I’m all about finding decor items that are different than my norm. I’m the same way with gift giving. I like to think outside of the box and gift something unique instead of the usual gift card. Today I’m sharing my newest find that would make a fun housewarming gift. I did the research and gifted it to myself to make sure.
I stumbled upon Mapiful on Instagram. (Love them or hate them, those Instagram ads worked this time.) Choose any city around the world and Mapiful will create a fun print with multiple size, color and display options. Sentimental and unique; right up my alley. NOTE: Don’t be like me and not realize you could zoom in on your preferred city to actually see the streets instead of your small down being a dot on the giant map. I may be home but I’m not always all there. *face palm*

This post isn’t sponsored. I just loved my Mapiful print (even with my screw up) and wanted to share for others that might be interested.