Have you seen the trend of travel bags and clothes with the chenille varisty letters? They are so cute but usually cost a pretty penny. I had these clear travel cosmetic bags that I’ve been using for several years. I figured I would make the cute lettered bags myself. The chenille letter USA shirt that I made for the 4th of July turned out cute and I think these did, as well. Now if I only had anywhere to travel to use them.

I purchased these sticky chenille varsity letters from Amazon and used the bags I already had, also from Amazon. It doesn’t look like my exact bag set is available anymore but I linked similar sets below.

To DIY your own bags, simply lay the letters on the bag to find correct spacing, peel the backing from the letters and stick them on. They are very sticky and won’t be able to be moved once they come in contact with the bag. Be sure you have them in the perfect stop before placing on the bag.

I also had this travel jewelry box that I added my initials to. It had an embossed brand name on the top. I just covered it with the letters. It’s not 100% covered, but it was good enough for me. Fair warning if you purchase the same one for the same purpose. You could still see a bit of the embossed logo.

Pretty cute for a quick little DIY project if I do say so myself. These would make cute Christmas gifts. You could even stick them on journals, pencil boxes, backpacks, lunch boxes and more for back to school. So many possibilities with the cute stick-on letters.