03/22/2023I have wanted to make healthier homemade dog treats for our pups for awhile now. Our dogs are, should we say, on the plump side. The black one is just plain lazy and the brown one has a thyroid issue so it’s not all her fault. I feel better about giving them a daily healthy treat over pre-made with who knows what in them.

An Instagram ad for personalized silicone dog treat molds sucked me in and got me because look how cute these personalized dog treats are.
It took no time at all to whip up the first batch of healthy treats for Daisy Mae and Emmie Lou. While they site has different sized molds, I like the small ones for just a little tasty treat here and there while we try to help the girls watch their figures.

Waiting patiently for the first taste.

I’ll share my take on the recipe that came with the molds below which makes about 20 small crunchy treats. Next on my list is to make some sort of soft treats that can be used to disguise Emmie Lou’s twice daily thyroid medicine. Don’t tell Daisy Mae. She thinks she gets medicine, too. We couldn’t give one a snack without the other.

Apparently they are lip smacking good.

Click HERE to print recipe.