10/04/2023Welcome to our home for Halloween where cobwebs and crows are awaiting visitors but the ferns steal the show.

Each year I try to think of a theme for the front porch. This year was sticks and crows.

Blake Skelton and his friend, whom you’ll be introduced to later this month, enjoy crow watching from the rocking chairs.

I kept the plant stand on the porch and filled it with pumpkins instead of house plants.

The crows flutter in the wind awaiting their prey.

I went with hanging mums for the first time this year. The brown pots didn’t vibe so I painted them black with craft paint. Proof a little paint can fix just about anything.

When I started the porch on a Friday night, I wasn’t happy with how it was turning out. Thankfully, when I began again the next morning, things began to click and I love the final result.

Simple sticks from the yard and a few Dollar Store cobwebs make an easy spooky Halloween statement.

There you have it. This year’s Halloween front porch decked out for the season.