10/16/2023I was asked how we did the boarded up windows on the barn for Halloween. It’s actually very simple. Let me show you.

We removed boards from old pallets by sawing off the nails. The wood strips were perfect because of their light weight and worn look. And I love how the nail heads are still in the pallet boards. It adds to the aged look.

Since we have the cedar shutters, we just screwed the pallet board to the shutters.

I was worried about screwing into our shutters but the holes are barely noticeable once the boards are removed.

This year I added a few signs. Those were secured with screws into the pallet boards.

We secured the skeletons to the pallet boards using zip ties. Standing back, you don’t even notice the zip ties. It also makes them very easy to take down by simply cutting the zip ties. We have done this for the past two years and last week we had 40 mile an hour winds. The skeletons haven’t moved a bit.

See, I told you it was simple. That’s all there is to it.

Living with Lady shared that they used 1/4″ inch plywood cut into strips to board their windows. They used 3M strips to attach the plywood strips to their plastic shutters. No damage to the house at all.

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