Which option will you use this year?
START SEEDS INDOORS: In late winter, plant seeds in grow trays to prep seedlings for spring planting. This allows for growing a wider variety of plants, some of which cannot easily be started from seed directly in the garden. Purchase seeds from box stores, nurseries or online. There is a learning curve to starting seeds indoors and it does take specialized equipment such as seedling trays and grow lights.

DIRECT SOW IN GARDEN: A cost effective way to grow a garden. No special equipment required. Allows for easy succession planting which prolongs harvests. It does take longer to see results. When sowing, be sure to pay close attention to instructions on the packet regarding ideal soil temperature, planting distances, etc.

PLANT SEEDLINGS: Allows for a quicker start to the growing season with more predictable results. Instant gratification is a bonus. The cost of purchasing plants from a nursery is higher than direct sowing seeds.

Whatever method you choose, always do your research for best results before jumping in head first. Gardening can be both rewarding and aggravating at the same time. Knowledge is key.