05/17/2024Step into my head as I redecorate the fireplace for summer. I’ve condensed one hour into 73 seconds of what it’s like when I redecorate an area in my home.
I have a lot of plants. They are usually the first thing I add since light determines where they can go. Then I grab things from around the house that I might want to use depending on the season.

Add a few things. Step back and look. Readjust. Step back and look. There is a lot of pondering and standing with my “bat wings out”, as my husband says. Are hands on the hips not everyone’s thinking stance?

Once I have the base of plants and the smaller knick knacks, I add height where needed. Candlesticks work well for this. Height can also be added with a vase of floral stems or greenery, even a lamp. Books are usually involved, as well. Stack them in a pile or line them up in a row with bookends. Maybe add a framed photos, layer artwork or a mirror. Try baskets, bowls, wooden boxes, candles or even stand up a wreath.

Two things I love to use are fur and a touch of bling. Even though we are going into summer, I still like the fur rug under the firewood for soft texture on the hard fireplace. And I finished everything off with a few disco balls for a little sparkle.

That’s a peek into my mind when I redecorate a space. I’m never 100% happy with the final result. I always wish I had more options to use. But it makes me happy getting into the zone and seeing what I can come up with using what I have on hand. To me this space isn’t finished. I’m tired of the two large photos on either side of the fireplace and want to switch it up. I have a few ideas in mind. Stick around to see how I change up this area next.