04/09/2022Just “hopping” on to share the Easter touches around the house this year. (Sorry, it had to be said.) I LOVE decorating for Christmas. But a close second is decorating for Easter because that means green grass and warm weather is right around the corner. It also inspires me to do a little spring cleaning before I allow myself to add in all the happy Easter touches. There’s nothing better than a clean house full of happy little Easter bunnies.

I added a few new Easter decor items into the mix this year. One can never had too many bunnies, right?

Bunny Wreath // Mine is several years old but I’ll link this year’s version. It’s just as cute.
Hopping Bunnies Basket // mine from when I was a kid.
Speckled Eggs // Were from Hobby Lobby years ago. Looks like they are brighter colored now.
Aged Concrete Bird // Several years ago from Suburban Lawn and Garden
Live Pussy Willow Branches // Trader Joe’s
Bunny Arrangement // I found it many years ago in an antique store.

Live Forsythia Branches // Trader Joe’s
Bunny Statue // It’s sold out but there are similar options available.
Happy Easter Banner // Gold Birds
Home Poster // Cherry Blossom Poster

Wooden Easter Eggs in Concrete Bowl // I painted those many years ago using wooden eggs from Hobby Lobby. I made the concrete bowl using this method HERE and HERE.
Fruit Basket // Wood Bunny Serving Tray
Fresh Eucalyptus // Trader Joe’s
Bunny Salt & Pepper Shakers // Hobby Lobby many years ago
Wood Block Candle Holder // I made these for Christmas on year. Here is the how-to blog post.
Bunny Ear & Egg Boards // From Target a few years ago
Faux Lavender // TJ Maxx
Egg Candy Basket // Hobby Lobby years ago

Have a happy and blessed Easter week. I dare you to put out a few spring/Easter touches in your home. I promise it will make you smile each time you walk by. ♡