06/04/2024The bees are busy doing their work helping in the garden. I’m doing my best to make them feel extra welcome. We added a bee hotel, otherwise known as the Air Bee ‘n Bee, so they can get their rest after a long day’s work. Now they can quench their thirst in their own bee bath.

A garden pot turned upside down is the base with a saucer placed a on top. Add clean rocks to the saucer and finish with a small amount of fresh water.

The rocks give the bees a place to perch to keep from drowning. Yes, bees need water to survive. They use it to cool down, not only themselves, but also their hives. If their only option for water is a bird bath, pond or an open source of water, they risk their lives and may drown.

To avoid mosquitoes breeding in the water, make sure the dish is shallow and the water only covers part of the rocks.

Refill the water daily and be sure to clean the bee bath once a week.