06/30/2023With 4th of July also comes sitting outside in the yard waiting for fireworks while simultaneously swatting mosquitoes, at least here in Missouri. But I’m prepared this year. I’ve got my mosquito deterrent planter and my DIY bug spray. With any luck there won’t be a bug within 6 feet of me.

To make homemade bug spray you’ll need a 4 ounce spray bottle, 2 ounces witch hazel or vodka, about 40 drops bug deterring essential oils, 2 ounces distilled water and a pinch of table salt to help the oils mix with the water.
Bug deterring essential oils include citronella, lemon, peppermint, lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus, rosemary, purification, and lemongrass individually or in any combination. I used peppermint, lemon and lavender. Citronella is on my list of oils to purchase next.

Mix all ingredients together and spray on your skin and around where you’re sitting to keep the mosquitoes at bay.