09/05/2022For me it’s not time to decorate for Halloween just yet but it is the perfect time for a simple DIY project that can be used when the decorating commences. DIY projects don’t get much simpler than this one, I promise.
I started with a small pumpkin from Dollar General. Any size, shape or color would work.

The first step is to paint the pumpkin. I used spray paint but this project will work with acrylic paints, as well. I opted for black but any color will work. If you’re using acrylic paints, you can also mix colors to get your desired look. Try white or cream + brown + orange for a terra cotta look. Since my first attempt at this DIY worked, I will be trying more sizes and colors to add to my collection.
For step 2, you can continue using the spray paint or you can use clear spray sealer. I used clear sealer. Spray a section of the pumpkin, then while still wet, sprinkle with flour. Continue to spray and sprinkle flour until the entire pumpkin is coated, rubbing the flour into the pumpkin with rubber gloves as you go.
Next take a soft paint brush and dust off all the loose flour. The nice thing about this DIY is if you see a spot you don’t like the look of, just re-spray and re-coat with flour.
If you like the look of the pumpkin, you can stop here.
To add additional depth and aging, the third step is to rub the pumpkin with damp dirt. That’s right, good old fashioned dirt from the yard or garden. You don’t want it so wet that it cakes on the pumpkin, just a little damp so bits and pieces stick. Rub the dirt all over the pumpkin. Then use a dry paper towel to wipe off excess dirt until you get the look you want.
Here is my final product. The dirt and flour highlight the dimples and crevasses of the pumpkin and make it look perfectly aged.

Obviously, this technique is for indoor use only. You don’t want the rain to wash off the flour and dirt. Since I don’t have any decor up in the house yet, I just staged these photos on my potting bench. It looks pretty cute with the squash from the garden.