05/24/2023If you follow me on my Instagram stories, you have seen the saga of our basement remodel. Long story short, below is how it started. Everything was torn out and we started from scratch. We’re remodeling the full basement in stages. Phase 1 is my craft room. You can see where we moved an existing wall back to make more room for all my fun crafty stuff.

In lieu of the existing drop ceiling, we opted to leave everything open and paint it black. Thanks to plenty of can lights, the black ceiling surprisingly doesn’t make the room too dark. Walls were studded in and sheet rocked. Board and batten has since been added and now we are to the fun design part where I can take over.

This is a peek at what I have planned. The room is long and narrow. One side of the room will be a long working desk which we will build. The back wall will be all pegboard where I will store my faux greenery and floral stems. The other long wall will be lined with black file cabinets to neatly hide away all my crafty things. I’ve been dying to add fun wall paper somewhere in my house. I’ll start in the craft room. The floors will be peel and stick tiles. Just wait until you see how real they look. I’ll begin painting this weekend. My craft stuff has been packed away in boxes since we moved here 6 years ago. I can’t wait to put this new room to good use.