09/15/2023Potted mums are so pretty when first purchased only to turn crispy brown before season’s end if not cared for properly. Did you know that mums only bloom once? They don’t continue to produce new blooms during the season. What you see is what you get so it’s important to pick well for the longest lasting blooms possible.

When purchasing, look for closed buds. It won’t take long for the blooms to open wide. If mums are purchased in full bloom, the flower lifespan may already be half over and won’t last to the end of the season.

I would dare to venture the most common reason for potted mums dying an early death at most households is improper watering. Mums love water and do not like to dry out. They must be watered faithfully everyday for success. Yes, even if it rains, they must still be watered. Their canopy is so dense, water from above has a hard time making it to the roots. Avoid watering from the top. Doing so can cause stems to break creating holes in the perfectly rounded canopy and promotes disease. Too much water on the flowers can also cause them to decay quicker. Instead, water the soil only at the base of the plant. I prefer to mostly water from the bottom. This can be done by submerging the plant still in its garden pot into a container of water for several minutes to give it a good soaking. I do this as soon as I bring my mums home from the nursery and try to make it a habit of doing it at least once a week in addition to daily hose waterings. Because of this, I leave my mums in their garden pots and drop the plants into pretty larger pots for looks.
For those that mean well but simply can’t commit to consistent daily waterings, a plastic plant saucer placed under the garden pot will hold any excess water for a few days, depending on the temperatures. This will also help protect pretty containers and tabletops from getting wet and dirty after watering.

Mums thrive in sun. However, if temperatures get into the upper 70s and above, consider moving plants to the shade until temperatures drop. Blooming mums are not a fan of the heat.

Pinch off dead flowers and browning stems as they appear to allow the plant to put all its energy and nutrients into healthy blooms only.

When temperatures get close to freezing in the evenings, protect mums from frost by placing sheets or light towels over the top. Be sure to remove coverings during the day.
Now you know all I know about buying and caring for potted fall mums. I wish you the best of luck and a prolonged period before the crispy brown leaves and blooms begin to appear. May the force be with you.