01/25/2022You know when you have one of those genius lightbulb moments? That happened to me when it popped in my head to turn a too small cleaning/broom closet off of the kitchen into an appliance closet. Some people have fancy new kitchens with built-in hidden appliance garages. I have a not new kitchen with little counter space and a phobia of ugly appliances cluttering my countertops. Before, I was cramming the various appliances in already full cabinets. Many were never used because I didn’t want to go to the hassle of pulling them out of the back of the packed cabinets. Cue my lightbulb moment.
Let me introduce you to my new appliance closet.

Just off the kitchen in the mudroom/laundry room is a tiny 24″ wide x 11″ deep broom closet that had one single shelf. The broom/mops/vacuum barely fit and the cleaning supplies were overflowing. It just didn’t function well. Luckily I had somewhere else to store the cleaning supplies so my brilliant-to-me idea became a reality.
If forgot to take a before photo. This is the closet after we removed the single the shelf and repaired the drywall.

After adding a fresh coat of paint we made shelves using white laminate shelf boards (less painting necessary because the shelves were already white). We determined how many shelves to add based on the size of the appliances.

Here she is in all her glory. To you it may just look like a closet with shelves. To me it’s a heavenly space that makes ugly, bulky appliances easily accessible yet keeps them hidden away until I need to use them.

Don’t mind the floor. It will be replaced when we update the flooring in the kitchen and mudroom.

I say do whatever you can to make your life and home happier and easier. This appliance closet is one of those things for me. I don’t have a brand spanking new kitchen with fancy cabinets, a large island and new appliances but I do have a kitchen the works just fine and I’m good with little improvements until we can do a complete refresh.

What is a favorite feature in your home that makes your life happier and easier?