02/02/2023It’s day four of the week of homemade bird treats here on the blog. Today is a simple project stringing bird-friendly treats to make a garland similar to the popcorn garlands we made at Christmas at school when I was younger. String the garland from branch to branch, around a pine tree, or hang straight down from a tree branch. I made mine shorter and hung it on my potting bench.

I used plain popcorn, dried oranges, raisins, dried cranberries and apple slices. Other bird-friendly options include blueberries, raspberries, gooseberries, lemon slices, lime slices, pear slices, pineapple, strawberries, pumpkin seeds, slices of corn on the cob, dandelions, Cherrios. Just make sure nothing gets moldy. Mold is unsafe for birds just as it is for humans.

I will admit, I opted to use jute twine for my garland. It was a little thicker and did make it a bit harder to string the popcorn. The thinner the string the better when adding popcorn. Otherwise, it was a very simple and would be great for the kiddos to help make.

Try other homemade bird treat ideas I have shared here on the blog.
Bird Treats // Birdseed Wreath // Bird Bed & Breakfast // Grapevine Wreath Bird Feeder // Peanut Butter Birdseed Pine Cones