01/31/2023It’s day two of the week that’s for the birds. Today we have a variety of bird bed and breakfasts. Heehee. The birds can eat and when their belly gets full, they can nap.
These are actual wooden birdhouses covered with bird-friendly “glue” and birdseed. They are so fun. Edible birdhouses would be a fun snow day project with the kids if you’re good with a little rogue birdseed ending up on the floor.

Simply brush the bird-friendly edible glue (I used a silicone basting brush) onto a wooden birdhouse and press birdseed into the glue. Add extra decorative touches with bird edibles like unsalted peanuts, dried cranberries, raisins, mealworms, cracked corn, suet nuggets, quick or rolled oats, cheerios or crushed egg shells.
Keep in mind, rain may dissolve the “glue”. It’s best to hang under a covered surface for bring in if rain is a possibility. Since the birdhouses are wooden, they can always be recovered again with additional food.
Try other homemade bird treat ideas I have shared here on the blog.
Bird Treats // Birdseed Wreath // Grapevine Wreath Bird Feeder // Bird Treat Garland // Peanut Butter Birdseed Pine Cones
Click HERE to print the edible glue recipe.