Did you know you could buy paint by number kits for adults? This is what has taken up every minute of my spare time the last two weeks. If you enjoy stuff like this, let me warn you, it is addicting! It was so relaxing to sit, zone out and paint each evening after work. I was actually a bit sad when it was finished. It’s the same reason I can only do puzzles at Christmastime. All I want to do is work on them and I get nothing else done. “Cereal for dinner tonight. Momma is busy.” “Can’t find your shirt? It’s probably still in the overflowing dirty clothes basket.” This is why I can’t allow myself to buy another adult paint by number kit; at least not for another year or so.

I chose this peacock paint by number because I needed something on my office walls and it matched perfectly. I stuck it in a frame and it’s like two for one – a fun DIY project and inexpensive art for the wall.

I will say, the areas were tiny. If you have old eyes like mine, be sure to have a good pair of readers on hand. 🙂

I 10 out of 10 recommend paint by numbers, even for adults. It makes an artist out of anyone.

I bought my daughter one, too, because she likes highland cows and she needed something to hang on the wall by her desk at work. It’s been sitting here for weeks barely started. I am dying to work on it but she threatened me with my life if I touched it. Who needs alcohol or drugs? Just give me puzzles and adult paint by number paintings.