01/03/2023It’s the beginning of a new year. All the Christmas has been taken down and I’m left with a blank slate in the house. I’m easily frustrated by the rooms that have yet to be remodeled. We have lived here 5 years and still have a loooong way to go with updates. It’s easy to be envious of those that have completely remodeled or brand new homes. That’s where this blog comes in handy. I can quickly look back at just how far we have come when it doesn’t feel like much has been completed at all.
I think it’s natural for us to compare and be disappointed with something we do or don’t have. I’m here to say, if we take a look back at where we started, we just might find things aren’t as bad as we think. Good things take time – and unfortunately money. I have to remind myself that there are simple, inexpensive things that can be done to help love where I live just the way it is today. And those little things come together to help make the slow grind of remodeling worth it in the end.
So this week I’ll be focusing on simple ways to make home, remodeled or not, comfortable and cozy for the winter months. And I’ll bring you along in case you are needing a reason to better love your home, as well.
Before I start cozying things up for the long winter months, let’s take a look back at where we started and what we have accomplished around our house. Everything started with the exterior renovation.


The dark family room was brightened up and warmth was added with the DIY pine wood floors.


The carpeted staircase was rebuilt.

The small dining and front sitting rooms were opened up to one expansive room perfect for hosting family dinners.


The hallway bath was redone.

Our daughter’s bathroom was freshened up with this painted tile floor. Apparently I have never even photographed her bedroom makeover that was completed several years ago. Putting that on the To Do list,


This is the area we will be tackling next. Due to water and mold, we had to tear our the entire finished basement. After regrading the front and back yards, knock on wood, we have been water-free for almost two years and are ready to spruce up the space again. This will be our winter project. I’ll be bringing you along for the ride. Be sure to follow along in daily stories on Instagram to see the progress.