01/11/2023List, lists, I love lists. Packing lists, holiday shopping lists, bucket lists. Give me all the lists. With the new year and all it’s resolutions and planning, I decided to make a 2023 Project List. 1. To get the things out of my head and onto paper. 2. To set visual goals. 3. To see how many of my goals actually became a reality by the end of the year. I printed and hung the list inside a cabinet door that we use often so it haunts inspires us daily to Get. It. Done. Let’s see if it works. With finishing out our basement this winter and phase one of the back patio this summer, I highly doubt we’ll get to turning the spare bedroom into a master closet with laundry this year but a girl can dream. Looking forward to a productive 2023. And better nights’ sleep with this list out of my head.

This is where the basement started. It’s all torn out now to bare ceilings and walls. Actual work begins next week to put it all back together.

The state of our back patio is currently mud. We can’t use the back door and the dogs love to run through it every time it rains. This was all torn out last summer but the company that is installing the new never came to put it back together. Let’s just say momma ain’t happy about this situation. Spring can’t get here fast enough.

As you can see, we have a lot to accomplish this year. Let’s hope seeing the list everyday helps motivate.
If you want to print your own blank 2023 Project List, click HERE. What would be on your list?