Day seven of this year’s holiday home tour takes us to the master bedroom. We haven’t touched this room since we moved in. It’s pieced together with various furniture pieces leftover from our previous home until we are able to do the full makeover I have dreamed up in my head. That doesn’t stop me from making it Christmas cozy. There’s nothing better than falling asleep to the glow of the Christmas tree.

I normally have a bundle of faux mistletoe above this sign but I couldn’t find it in any of my Christmas bins this year. I looked through each of them no less than three times and never found it. Where on earth could it be? So, I added the bow, instead.

Christmas tree lights combined with frankincense in the diffuser makes for magical bedtimes.

All Christmas items from our last home that still work perfectly here.

While I’m ready for a new bed frame when we remodel this room, this DIY bed we made when we first moved in has served us well.

The tree is the same as I did last year. It’s a nature theme, again incorporating my favorite free decor item – sticks from the yard.

The dresser displays my sentimental items. The little angels were hand-me-downs from my mom. They have always been a favorite of mine. My daughter actually told me this year she wants them when I’m done with them. Classic Christmas decor never goes out of style and becomes more sentimental to all as the years go by.