04/03/2023One week until Easter. Time for family to gather around the table to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.

I love going overboard with my table settings for family dinners. This year’s Easter tablescape was created around family heirlooms I have inherited. My grandma’s china looks like it was pretty much made for Easter dinners past and present. I’m honored to keep the tradition alive.

In addition to the china, I added candy in these pink dessert coupes inherited from my mother-in-law.

The inexpensive cheesecloth table runner ties the heirloom pieces together perfectly.

These bunny salt and pepper shakers are something maybe I can hand down to my own kids. I got them years ago from a Current catalog. They are timeless for past, present and future. That’s a tip when purchasing holiday decor. Look for items that are neutral, classic and simple which tend to never go out of style.

Another easy idea for a tablescape is pulling house plants from other parts of the house and using them as part of the centerpiece.

I also opted to use fresh violas inside and out this year. I planted them in eggshells along with my DIY eggshell candles.

May your Easter Sunday be blessed with loved ones gathered around the dinner table where memories are made and bellies are full of delicious food.