04/17/2023It’s been a week since I last posted. I took four days off work – and the blog – to work on as many outdoor projects as possible while the weather was perfect. I painted parts of the house that had been re-built and a part I shamefully hadn’t painted until now. I washed all the exterior windows and scrubbed the screens. I stained all the cedar accents on the house and barn. We built a new fence for my bittersweet and other climbing plants which I also stained. We removed grass, tilled and planted two new flower beds in front of the barn. And I finished off the week by putting new mulch in all the flower beds around the house. It feels good to have all that finished before the weather gets hot. And surprisingly I’m not sore after all that. I would gladly fill my days working around my house if I could just find a way for someone to pay me to do it.
Creating the fence for my climbing plants similar to the fence at our old house had me reminiscing of the yard at our old house. It was a labor of love that was refined over the 18 years we lived there. We have been in this house for six years now and there is still so much left to do to get it looking how I want. I thought it would be fun to take a look at the yard at our previous home.
This is the fence where my grapevines, bittersweet and honeysuckle grew. The front fence was a backdrop for white lilie’s, purple coneflower, black-eyed susan, mint and wildflowers. It was so pretty when everything was in bloom.

We added a fence to the front of the house, too, which was filled with more lilies, lamb’s ear, salvia, purple pin cushion, bee balm, mums and a few annual flowers.

When the clematis was in full-bloom over the mailbox, it was so beautiful.

There was landscaping on all sides of the house. To me working in the yard is relaxing.

The back of the house was our pride and joy. I loved that back deck and patio area.

I miss my wall of roses so much.

And finally our cute little shed that was the precursor to the cute barn we have now.

That house served us well for 18 years while our kids grew up. I’m sad to say that the plant fences have since been removed by new owners and most all the plants are gone. But she looked good in her glory days if I might say so myself.